House Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #2437

Family Learning Center Component of the new University Area Community Center Complex












Dan Valdez


School Board of Hillsborough County











Project Title:

Family Learning Center Component of the new University Area Community Center Complex

Date Submitted:

01/31/2000 11:21:37 PM











District Member:

Victor Crist

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













School Board of Hillsborough County


Dan Valdez


901 E. Kennedy Blvd.

Contact Phone:

(813) 272-4054



Tampa 33602
















Project Description:








The new 50,000 square foot University Area Community Center Complex is located in the heart of one of the state's most blighted, high crime areas, the University Area Community (unfortunately known as "Suitcase City").

This blighted, economically depressed area suffers from a very high crime rate (nearly triple the county's average for violent crime, tremendous blight (unemployment double the rest of the county), unsightly decay (71 tons of illegal dumping in two years), depressing proverty (incomes less than 70% of the county medican), and the highest infant mortality rate in the County. Over 36,000 at-risk people live in this high density area. There are over 4,000 children under the age of eight, with only one elementary school. Nearly 90% of these children receive free lunches. Truancy levels are extremely high, and the area sufferes from the highest level of illiteracy in the entire county. This Family Learning Center will provide the at-risk children and families of the blighted, high crime University Area Community vital educational and self-development opportunities they need to help pull themselves from the vicious cycle of povery and hopelessness to become contributing members of society.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






The Family Learning Center will offer adult literacy, GED classes, vocational education, parent education/child development services, day care, small business development, and self-development welfare-to-work programming for the over 36,000 at-risk adults and children of the community.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






Users of the Family Learning Center will develop the basic literacy skills necessary for job training to secure better employment to successfully leave welfare and provide for their families; as well as learn how to better raise their children and maintian the family unit. The results will show increases in literacy and gainful employment and reductions in welfare, juvenile crime, and truancy.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?





Cash Amount:















Was this project previously funded by the State?





Fiscal Year:















Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






Federal & local data showing extra-ordinary levels of poverty, unemployment, & iliteracy in the area











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

School Board of Hillsborough County


Meeting Date:
