House Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #2744

Assistive Technology of Florida












Terry Ward


Florida Alliance for Assitive Services & Technology











Project Title:

Assistive Technology of Florida

Date Submitted:

01/31/2000 3:03:59 PM











District Member:

Shirley Brown

Service Area:












Counties Affected:















Terry Ward


1020 East Lafayette , Suite 110

Contact Phone:

(850) 487-1546



Tallahassee 32301-3278
















Project Description:








The Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology's(FAAST) mission is to enhance the quality of life for all Floridians with disabilities by promoting the awareness of, access to and advocacy for assistive services and technology.  This year the ATA98 established funding reduction (25%)  begins as FAAST will enter its eighth year of Federal funding.  By funding this Community Budget Issue Request the Federal funds will be partially matched with State and the FAAST programs will be able to continue and the expand its responsibility to enchance the quality of life for Floridians with disabilities.  Without funding from the State the existing FAAST program will be reduced and the much needed information and services about assistive technologies will get to fewer people.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






Increase the availabilaity of public and private funding for and access to assistive technology services and services on an individualized and continuing basis. Create system changes where appropriate by impacting policies, procedures, guidelines, laws and regulations regarding assistive technology.  Create a seamless delivery system with better coordination between organizations and agencies throughout the state.  Develop and implement strategies to ensure timely aquisition and delivery of assistive technology to all persons with disabilities. Co-sponsor and host public aducation programs on assitive services and technology. Develop and implement a technical assistance program for providers. Develop and implement a responsive service delivery program of assistive services and technology.  Provides materials to a broad base of organizations, agencies and programs.Removes barriers to improve access to assistive technology.  Support and advocate for legislation that promotes the provision of assistive technology.  Empower individuals with disabilities and family members by increasing choice and control in selection and procurement of devises and services.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






FAAST satellite partners will increase (30%) from nine to twelve.  Information and referral calls will increase (10%) from 25,000 annually to 27,500.  Attendance at training on the Tech Act, FAAST, assistive services and technology and the Tool Kit will expand 10% from 9,000 to 9,900 individuals.  Increased number of people with disabilities who will be able to need less services from the state because of the use of assistive technology.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?














Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?













Purpose for future year funding:


Recurring Operations



Will this be an annual request?
















Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






U.S. Public Law 105-394, F.S. 413.407











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
