House Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #276

Community Re-Entry Program (CRP)












Mathes Guice


Community Reconstruction Institute











Project Title:

Community Re-Entry Program (CRP)

Date Submitted:

01/26/2000 12:11:22 PM











District Member:

Allen Trovillion

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













Community Reconstruction Institute


Mathes Guice


6299 West Sunrise Boulevard

Contact Phone:

(954) 791-8893



Sunrise 33313
















Project Description:








The Community Re-Entry Program (CRP) serves offenders newly released from prison, on probation, and in community corrections programs. CRP provides and coordinates services so that clients can become socially and economically productive members of their families and their communities, thereby avoiding returning to prison. Program staff includes Case Managers, Job Developers, Education Specialists, a Legal Advisor, and Support Group Facilitators.


Each client is assigned to a Case Manager, who conducts a comprehensive needs assessment, coordinates the provision of services, and monitors the client's progress. Services offered on-site include:

*** job readiness training

*** career guidance

*** educational/vocational placements

*** job referrals and placements

*** a legal clinic

*** a clothing bank

*** financial planning assistance

*** support groups

*** transportation assistance (bus passes)


Outside referrals are made for treatment of medical, dental, psychological, and substances abuse problems, as well as housing.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






CRP is based on a philosophy of shared responsibility, which expects ex-offenders to take an active role in their ultimate success. This approach results in more successful job placements, a higher percentage of job retention, a lower percentage of school dropouts, and a lower rate of recidivism.


Having increased numbers of ex-offenders working in the community rather than committing crimes benefits the State of Florida both financially and qualitatively.

*** The costs of arresting, prosecuting, and incarcerating the offender is reduced. A study of CRP's 1997-98 operation estimated that the program saved the state $8.5 million in costs of incarceration alone.

*** The costs to victims are reduced. The 1997-98 study estimated that CRP saved $15.6 million in victim costs.

*** The wages earned and taxes paid by the ex-offender benefit the state and the community and reduce the need for state support for the ex-offender's family. The 1997-98 study estimates that CRP clients had an earning capacity of $1.9 million.

*** Studies suggest that children who have parents who are not incarcerated may be less likely to become involved in the criminal justice system themselves.

*** Increased public safety improves the quality of life for all citizens and may impact positively on tourism.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






The following have been identified as the CRP target outcomes:

*** At least 60% of clients identified as needing employment shall obtain employment within 120 days

*** At least 70% of clients identified as needing educational and/or vocational programming shall demonstrate improvement in skill levels or completion of prescribed programming

*** At least 75% of clients participating in Career Guidance Training shall successfully complete the training.

*** At least 75% of clients participating in the Job Readiness Training shall successfully complete the training

*** Clients who require housing will receive assistance in establishing a housing plan and a referral to a social service agency for assistance

*** A follow-up status confirmation will be done for all clients 30, 60, and 90 days after placement in jobs, school, or other services

*** No more than 12% of CRP clients will become recidivists.


All services provided for each client are documented in the client files and are entered daily into CRP's management information system. MIS reports are generated twice each month detailing the services provided for each client.


*  100% of clients will receive a comprehensive needs assessmemt and a staffing.


*  At least 75% of the clients participating in the Workplace Essentials/Job Readiness Training wil successfully complete the program as evidence by attainment of prescribed competency levels.


*  Clients who require housing assistance will receive assistance in establishing a housing plan and a referral to a social service agency for assistance.


*  A follow-up status confirmation will be done for all clients who are placed by CRP in jobs, school, or other services 30, 60, and 90 days after placement.


All services provided and contracts made by CRP are documented in our client files which are reviewed by the Programs Coordinator for organization and completeness. Information about the services provided is input into our Management Information System. From this system, several reports are generated. Our Director and Program Coordinator, who investigate any numbers that are below our projected goals, review these reports. They also meet with staff to discuss and correct any problems, either one-on-one or at our monthly staff meeting. Training sessions are scheduled for case managers and job developers as needed.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?







In-Kind Amount:













Was this project previously funded by the State?





Fiscal Year:















Is future-year funding likely to be requested?













Purpose for future year funding:


Recurring Operations



Will this be an annual request?
















Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






Based on DOC statistics, Broward, Dade, PalmBeach & Monroe, contribute a disproportionate number.











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

Broward County Legislative Delegation


Meeting Date:
