House Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #791

Jessie Trice Cancer Prevention Project












Betsey K. Cooke


Health Choice Network











Project Title:

Jessie Trice Cancer Prevention Project

Date Submitted:

01/29/2000 4:28:53 PM











District Member:

Chris Smith

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













Health Choice Network, Inc.


Betsey K. Cooke


3900 N.W. 79th Avenue, Suite 500

Contact Phone:

(305) 599-1015



Miami 33166
















Project Description:








The Jessie Trice Cancer Prevention Project is a cancer prevention, education and early detection initiative.  The primary goal of the Project is to reduce rates of illness and death from lung and other cancers and improve quality of life among low-income African-American and Hispanic populations through increased access to early, effective screening and diagnosis programs as well as the delivery of prevention and early diagnosis education. Education focused on risk factors and prevention strategies will be provided through the Project to both consumers and health care providers.  An additional component of the Project will be advocacy for the assessment of clinical protocols for cancer detection as they relate to low-income, minority populations and advocacy for changes in these clinical guidelines to enable earlier detection of illness; lung tumors, for example, are often not detected through radiology early enough to allow effective treatment, and tend to be diagnosed later in African American.  Systems will be established under the Project to ensure referral to appropriate primary and other health care for participants and follow-up.  Health Choice Network will serve 2,000 people at risk for lung and other cancers through the Project.  Health out comes of participants will be tracked to enable the Project's impact on health disparities to be assessed.


The Jessie Trice Cancer Prevention Project will be implemented as part of Health Choice Network's Community Church-Based Disease Prevention Program, an initiative that Ms. Trice helped to develop.  The mission of the Community Church-Based Disease Prevention Program is to improve the health status of residents of several predominantly African Americans and Hispanic communities through partnerships between community health center and churches.  The program's design stems from a number of factors that support the potential for churches, in collaboration with community health centers, to serve as effective entities for health education and health promotion as well as facilitators of increased access to health care services.  These factors include the central role of the church in South Florida's African American and Hispanic Communities, the strong commitment of church leaders to improving the health status of congregants and community members, and recognition of previously untapped outreach opportunities afforded by such a collaboration.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






Model project will help reduce disparities between minority and white populations and also will be replicable in other communities.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






The goal is to iproved patients' health status and quality of life, and reduce mortality rate.  Outcomes will include:

*  Increased awareness among consumers of risk factors for lung and other cancers and increased understanding of cancer screening guidelines.

*  Increased access to early effective, appropriate screening for lung and other cancers;

*  Increased understanding among health care providers of risk factors for lund and other cancers as well as increased understanding of and adherence to cancer screening protocols.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?





Cash Amount:















Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






The lung cancer death rate for African Americans is significantly higher than for whites.











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
