House Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #953

L.A.P. "Life After Prison"












Ann Williams, Dr.


Sisters', Inc.











Project Title:

L.A.P. "Life After Prison"

Date Submitted:

01/22/2000 6:02:57 PM











District Member:

Stephen Wise

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













Sisters', Inc.


Ann Williams, Dr.


501 Washington Street

Contact Phone:

(904) 354-0056



Jacksonville 32202
















Project Description:








We are all painfully aware of the stigma attached to prison inmates and their struggles to gian acceptance upon release in an unforgiving society.  The Sisters', Inc. Ministry recognizes the struggles of the ex-offender population and have created the Life After Prison (LAP) program for single incarcerated women and formerly incarcerated women with children.  This program was developed by Sisters', Inc. in response to the growing number of female ex-offenders coming into our communities without a place to live.  These women return to the streets homeless due to a lack of affordable housing, inadequate education, job skills, and a support system.  The project of which funding is requested primary goals are to provide supportive transitional housing placement services for homeless female ex-offenders upon their release from correcitonal institutions, and to assist in having them reunited with their children.  It will also help these women gain the necessary life and employment skills in order to break their cycle of homelessness and a life of criminal behavior.


The City of Jacksonville and it's surrounding areas have endorsed the initiative of Sisters' to assist single incarcerated women and formerly incarcerated single women with children in their re-entrance into society.  This initiative, we feel is both timely and necessary especially if the laudable goal of societal acceptance of incarcerated women is attained.  To assure the success of LAP, many organizations within the city are collaborating.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






Assessment and tracking of services and housing needs.



A-Domestic Violence Counsleing, Education, and Support

B-Substance Abuse Treatment

C-Mental Health Treatment

D-Parenting Skills

E-Health Care

F-Employment Skills Development and Job Placement

G-Housing Assistance

H-Life Skills Training

I-Transportation to Identified Services in the Community

J-Mentoring and Support











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






As a result of the targeted women participating in Project LAP, the following results are expected:



1-60% of the women participating in Project LAP will secure independent housing within 12 months of release from jail/prison.

2-70% of participants will remain in permanent housing for at least 12 months.



1-50% of the children in the care of Sisters', Inc. will visit their mothers in jail/prison at least once every 6 months.

2-70% of women participating in Project LAP will obrtain employment within 6 months of enterin the program; 60% of these women will maintain employment for at least 6 months.

3-30% of the women enrolled in the program who have children in the custody of the Dept. of Children and Families will be reunited with their children within 12 months of entering the program.

4-60% of the participants identified as having substance abuse problems will successfully complete recommended treatment services within 12 months; 30% of these women will remain substance-free for at least 6 months following completion of treatment services.

5-50% of the participants identified as dually diagnosed will voluntarily begin to receive mental health and related services within 6 months of entering the program.

6-50% of the participants will remain arrest-free for 12 months following entry into the program.



1-70% of the participants who are unemployed will complete job training and/or job readiness within 30 days of program entry

2-80% of participants who are disable will have rehab training made available to them within three months of program entry.

3-75% of participants who whave not completed high school will be assigned to a GED program within three months of entry.

4-70% of the participants who are not disable will be placed in unsubsidized permanent employment within three months of program entry.



1-100% of participants who are addicted to alcohol and/or drugs will attend regular counseling sessions during their first three months of participation in the housing program.

2-100% of participants who have disabilities will successfully enter regular treatment and/or counseling sessions within one month of program entry.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?





Cash Amount:


In-Kind Amount:













Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?













Purpose for future year funding:


Recurring Operations and Non-recurring Construction



Will this be an annual request?
















Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






1998-99 "Homeless Coalition Annual Report" and 1998-99 "Fla. Dept. of Children and Families"











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
