Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1218FY0001

Community Supported School Health Model












Frank Till


School District of Broward County











Project Title:

Community Supported School Health Model

Date Submitted:

02/07/2001 4:47:51 PM












Stacy Ritter














Statewide Interest:

Academic achievement of public school students













Broward County Public Schools


Georgia Slack


600 SE 3rd Avenue

Contact Phone:

(850) 224-6101



Fort Lauderdale 33301































Service Area:

Government Entity
















Project Description:








It is widely recognized that students' health directly impacts learning, and that the responsibility for children's health falls collectively upon parents/guardians, the community, the health department and the school district.  Legislation is needed to provide incentives for municipalities, corporations and organizations to contribute support for critically needed school health services.  The health needs of the students in Broward County, Florida range from routine screenings and immunizations to caring for complex medical problems.  On a weekly basis, the school district is responsible for administering 20,748 doses of medication, performing 120 catheterization procedures, providing 348 gastrointestinal tube feedings and conducting 152 tracheal suctioning.  The school district is required to provide full-time nurses for individual disabled students who are dependent on ventilators.  In addition, many students have chronic and or short-term health conditions that impact their ability to learn.  Still others experience severe allergic reactions and must be monitored and have emergency plans in place.

Not to be overlooked are the numerous students who become ill while in school and employees who suffer minor accidents or illnesses.  Having a school nurse in school who is able to attend to these minor problems increases student attendance and employee attendance.  The problem often can be attended to immediately without having to leave the school building.  The school district is requesting the appropriation as matching funds for contributions of funds or in kind services in the form of registered nurses (RNs), certified nurse assistants and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) to provide health services in schools.  Examples would be: a private hospital sending a half-time nurse to a school near the hospital and the school district accessing the matching funds from the appropriation to pay for the other half or the nurse's time; the Urban League or School nurse Partnership, which is a viable organization in Broward County, generating partial funding for a school health personnel and the school district being able to leverage those dollars to provide full-time rather than a part-time health services.  This would be a pilot project in Broward County focusing on demonstrating how much community support could be generated for school health providers if the community recognizes there are matching funds to be used as an incentive for its efforts.  The purpose would be to increase school health services, increase community support for schools and give the state the opportunity to double the impact of every dollar allocated.


Priority for use of these funds would be for new contributions, not to supplant existing assistance. This would ensure that more school would be the recipient of the health services.














Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






The project would have measurable outcomes including:  improved academic performance as a result of improved student attendance improved referral completions following mandated health screenings improved compliance with immunization requirements positive responses by students, staff members, parents and the community concerning the program increased community financial or in-kind support for RNs and LPNs providing school health services











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Identify item(s) in the Appropriations Bill to be reduced:





Specific Appropriation #:






Specific Appropriation Title:

Tabacco Serrlement Funds or Lottery Dollars



Amount to be reduced:






Fund Source:

Trust Fund















Total cost of the project:
















Request has been made to fund:















Type of funding match:










Total In-Kind Amount:













Was this project previously funded by the State?





Fiscal Year:















Is future-year funding likely to be requested?













Purpose for future year funding:


Recurring Operations



Will this be an annual request?
















Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






Community Supported School Health Model - Broward County Public Schools











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

Broward School Board


Meeting Date:
