Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #638FY0001

Human Relations Commission












Eugene Brown


Human Relations Commission











Project Title:

Human Relations Commission

Date Submitted:

02/08/2001 5:39:43 PM












Holly Benson














Statewide Interest:

The only office west of TLH that investigates complaints in discrimination in housing and employment













Human Relations Commission


Eugene Brown


29 South Spring Street

Contact Phone:

(850) 434-2431



Pensacola 32501































Service Area:

Government Entity
















Project Description:








The Escambia Pensacola Human relations Commission offers a complaint processing center to individuals believing they have been victims of discrimination in employment, housing, public accomodation of or law enforcement abuse of authority.  The Commission will investigate, hold hearings on and make recomendations to eliminate discrimination or intergroup tension.  The past efforts of the Human Relations Commission have clearly demonstrated a reduction of racial hostility, tempered police relations, improved equal employment and housing opportunity and fostered sensitivity amongst diverse ethnic groups.  Thus reducing the number of formal complaints filed with the State of Florida.  Project Jumpstart is a program funded by the Dept. of Juvenile Justice, that provides critical assistance to help economically disadvantaged participants living in targeted communities to transition from dependence to independence.  During the past year Project Jumpstart has referred 55 residents for high wage training programs at vocational technical institutions.












Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






18 residents employed to date this year with an average starting salary of $8.92 per hour.  Last year the court received a superior rating from the U.S. Department of housing and Urban Development.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Identify item(s) in the Appropriations Bill to be reduced:





Specific Appropriation #:






Specific Appropriation Title:




Amount to be reduced:






Fund Source:
















Total cost of the project:
















Request has been made to fund:















Type of funding match:








Total Cash Amount:


Total In-Kind Amount:













Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?













Purpose for future year funding:


Recurring Operations



Will this be an annual request?
















Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






Internal records/ Annual Report











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

Escambia County Commissioners and Pensacola City Council


Meeting Date:
