Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #717FY0001

Calhoun County Court/Community Annex












Calhoun County Board of County Commissioners


Calhoun County Board of County Commissioners











Project Title:

Calhoun County Court/Community Annex

Date Submitted:

2/9/01 6:29:34 PM












Bev Kilmer














Statewide Interest:

ADA compliant courtroom, additional space for Clerk of the Court offices, & community meeting space.













Calhoun County Board of County Commissioners


Ruth Attaway, Clerk of Court


425 E. Central Ave, Room 130

Contact Phone:

(850) 674-4545



Blountstown 32424































Service Area:

Government Entity
















Project Description:








A court/community annex building, located within the block of the courthouse and other local government offices needs to be constructed so that the County, with the assistance of the State, can cost-effectively maximize limited funds to serve the needs of all of its citizens.  Construction of a multi-purpose building designed to include a large meeting room/courtroom and some ancillary office space would provide easy and ADA compliant access to all citizens.  The county currently owns property next to the courthouse that could be used to build this annex building.  This could save taxpayer dollars by construction of a new building as opposed to undertaking a major renovation of the existing courthouse.  Also the Clerk of the Court office space is limited and so this would enable us to offer separate offices affording the public privacy when filing a complaint.












Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






A court/community annex building that would allow access to all citizens and visitors.  This building would be used on a monthly basis for a minimum of two public county commission meetings and any court proceedings.  It would also be used for subcommittee meetings as directed by the Board as well as other meetings held by community or government entities.  In addition, staff space would be factored into the construction of the building so that future growth needs could be cost-effectively met.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Identify item(s) in the Appropriations Bill to be reduced:





Specific Appropriation #:






Specific Appropriation Title:




Amount to be reduced:






Fund Source:
















Total cost of the project:
















Request has been made to fund:















Type of funding match:










Total In-Kind Amount:













Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






Calhoun County Courthouse must meet ADA requirements











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
