
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 29CHAPTER 29 COURT SYSTEM FUNDING 29.001State courts system elements and definitions. 29.005State attorneys’ offices and prosecution expenses. 29.007Court-appointed counsel. 29.008County funding of court-related functions. 29.0081County funding of additional court personnel. 29.0085Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures. 29.015Contingency fund; limitation of authority to transfer funds in contracted due process services appropriation categories. 29.016Contingency fund; judicial branch. 29.017Pending proceedings; applicability of ch. 2003-402. 29.018Cost sharing of due-process services; legislative intent. 29.0185Provision of state-funded due process services to individuals. 29.019Billings rendered for pre-July 1, 2004, services. 29.0195Recovery of expenditures for state-funded services. 29.21Department of Management Services to provide assistance in procuring services. 29.22State Courts Revenue Trust Fund. 29.23Salaries of certain positions in the judicial branch. 29.24Lactation spaces in courthouses.