
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 35CHAPTER 35 DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL 35.01District courts of appeal; districts. 35.02First Appellate District. 35.03Second Appellate District. 35.04Third Appellate District. 35.042Fourth Appellate District. 35.043Fifth Appellate District. 35.044Sixth Appellate District. 35.051Subsistence and travel reimbursement for judges with alternate headquarters. 35.06Organization of district courts of appeal. 35.065Review of judgment or order certified by county court to be of great public importance. 35.08Power to execute its judgments. 35.15Decisions to be filed; copies to be furnished. 35.20Retirement of district court of appeal judge. 35.22Clerk of district court; assistants; filing fees; teleconferencing. 35.23Location of clerkâs office. 35.24Maintenance of books, records, and other materials. 35.26Marshal of district court; appointment; duties. 35.28District courts of appeal libraries.