
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 583CHAPTER 583 CLASSIFICATION AND SALE OF EGGS AND POULTRY 583.02Labeling, marking, and advertising eggs; sales between dealers; unlawful acts. 583.021Nest run eggs; limitation on sale. 583.022Refrigeration of eggs for sale or processing; temperature requirements. 583.03Grades and standards for eggs. 583.05Powers of department to make inspections, issue stop-sale orders, or condemn and destroy eggs, egg products, or poultry. 583.051Power of department to bill and collect moneys due under poultry or egg programs. 583.052Cooperation by the department with other state or federal agencies. 583.06Employment of assistants by department. 583.09Egg dealers and poultry dealers; permit requirements. 583.10Dealer records, invoices, and information; inspection; penalty. 583.11Exemption for interstate egg or poultry shipment. 583.13Labeling and advertising requirements for dressed poultry; unlawful acts. 583.17Grades and standards for fowl. 583.181Disposal of dead poultry and hatchery residue; inspection and quarantine; penalties. 583.19Sale of fowl unfit for human consumption prohibited. 583.20Penalties for violations of chapter or rules.