561.02Creation and duties of Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
561.025Alcoholic Beverage and Tobacco Trust Fund.
561.027Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund.
561.051Reporting requirements of director.
561.08Enforcement of Beverage Law; division to prescribe forms.
561.11Power and authority of division.
561.1105Inspection of licensed premises; coin-operated amusement machines.
561.111Payment of taxes by electronic funds transfer.
561.1211Credit for contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations.
561.1212Credit for contributions to the New Worlds Reading Initiative.
561.1213Credit for contributions to eligible charitable organizations.
561.14License and registration classification.
561.15Licenses; qualifications required.
561.17License and registration applications; approved person.
561.19License issuance upon approval of division.
561.20Limitation upon number of licenses issued.
561.22Licensing manufacturers, distributors, and registered exporters as vendors prohibited.
561.221Licensing of manufacturers and distributors as vendors and of vendors as manufacturers; conditions and limitations.
561.24Licensing manufacturers as distributors or registered exporters prohibited; procedure for issuance and renewal of distributors’ licenses and exporters’ registrations.
561.25Officers and employees prohibited from being employed by or engaging in beverage business; penalties; exceptions.
561.29Revocation and suspension of license; power to subpoena.
561.32Transfer of licenses; change of officers or directors; transfer of interest.
561.33Licensee moving to new location; changing name of business.
561.331Temporary license upon application for transfer, change of location, or change of type or series.
561.342County and municipal license tax.
561.351Manufacturers, brokers, sales agents, importers, and passenger common carriers; term of license.
561.37Bond for payment of taxes.
561.371Bond for payment of taxes by spirituous liquor distributors.
561.38Issuance of license prohibited until bond approved; cancellation or expiration of bond.
561.41Maintenance and designation of principal office by manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters.
561.411Qualifications for distributors.
561.42Tied house evil; financial aid and assistance to vendor by manufacturer, distributor, importer, primary American source of supply, brand owner or registrant, or any broker, sales agent, or sales person thereof, prohibited; procedure for enforcement; exception.
561.4205Keg deposits; limited alternative inventory and reconciliation process.
561.421Temporary convention permits.
561.422Nonprofit civic organizations, charitable organizations, municipalities, and counties; temporary permits.
561.423Beer and malt beverages; in-store servicing authorized.
561.424Vinous beverages; in-store servicing authorized.
561.43Dry counties; manufacturers’ or distributors’ licenses; exporters’ registrations; exemptions.
561.49No tax on out-of-state sales.
561.495Legislative findings; cost of regulating imported beverages.
561.50One state tax payment; reports.
561.5101Come-to-rest requirement; exceptions; penalties.
561.54Certain deliveries of beverages prohibited.
561.545Certain shipments of beverages prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
561.55Manufacturers’, distributors’, brokers’, sales agents’, importers’, vendors’, and exporters’ records and reports.
561.56Transportation of beverages by manufacturers, distributors, and exporters.
561.57Deliveries by licensees.
561.58Issuance of license for a prior license revoked.
561.65Mortgagee’s interest in license.
561.665Division to restrict licensees from permitting certain activities.
561.67Reclamation by distributor of beverages not paid for by licensed vendors.
561.68Licensure; distributor’s salespersons.
561.695Stand-alone bar enforcement; qualification; penalties.
561.703Definitions relating to Florida Responsible Vendor Act.
561.705Responsible vendor qualification.
561.706Exemption from license suspension or revocation; mitigation for certain beverage law violations; records of arrests.