893.03Standards and schedules.
893.0301Death resulting from apparent drug overdose; reporting requirements.
893.031Industrial exceptions to controlled substance scheduling.
893.035Control of new substances; findings of fact; delegation of authority to Attorney General to control substances by rule.
893.0355Control of scheduled substances; delegation of authority to Attorney General to reschedule substance, or delete substance, by rule.
893.0356Control of new substances; findings of fact; “controlled substance analog” defined.
893.04Pharmacist and practitioner.
893.05Practitioners and persons administering controlled substances in their absence.
893.055Prescription drug monitoring program.
893.0551Public records exemption for the prescription drug monitoring program.
893.06Distribution of controlled substances; order forms; labeling and packaging requirements.
893.065Counterfeit-resistant prescription blanks for controlled substances listed in Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V.
893.10Burden of proof; photograph or video recording of evidence.
893.101Legislative findings and intent.
893.105Testing and destruction of seized substances.
893.11Suspension, revocation, and reinstatement of business and professional licenses.
893.12Contraband; seizure, forfeiture, sale.
893.13Prohibited acts; penalties.
893.131Distribution of controlled substances resulting in overdose or serious bodily injury.
893.135Trafficking; mandatory sentences; suspension or reduction of sentences; conspiracy to engage in trafficking.
893.1351Ownership, lease, rental, or possession for trafficking in or manufacturing a controlled substance.
893.138Local administrative action to abate certain activities declared public nuisances.
893.145“Drug paraphernalia” defined.
893.146Determination of paraphernalia.
893.147Use, possession, manufacture, delivery, transportation, advertisement, or retail sale of drug paraphernalia, specified machines, and materials.
893.149Unlawful possession of listed chemical.
893.1495Retail sale of ephedrine and related compounds.
893.165County alcohol and other drug abuse treatment or education trust funds.
893.20Continuing criminal enterprise.
893.21Alcohol-related or drug-related overdoses; medical assistance; immunity from arrest, charge, prosecution, and penalization.
893.30Controlled substance safety education and awareness.