Senate Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #2300

SeaTrek Distance Learning Program












Dr. Kumar Mahadevan


Mote Marine Lab











Project Title:

SeaTrek Distance Learning Program

Date Submitted:

01/31/2000 2:16:48 PM











District Member:

John McKay

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













Mote Marine Lab


Bill Griffin


1600 Ken Thompson Parkway

Contact Phone:

(941) 727-6349



Sarasota 34236
















Project Description:








SeaTrek, Mote Marine Laboratory's Distance Learning Program, works to increase student interest and achievement in science and technology by connecting students with the Laboratory and Aquarium, where they can interact with real world science and scientists.  More scientists and educaors teach students about current topics in marine science research via videoconferencing technology that connects directly with the classroom.  Videoconferencing classes enable a highly interactive experience for students that encompasses a career mentoring component as well as shared lab activities.  Interactive videoconferences and content units developed by the program cover the broad range of research programs ongoing at Mote.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






SeaTrek creates opportunities for students to experience science and technology education within the real world context.  Students are put in the "drivers seat" to become scientific primary investigators on collaborative inquiry projects on a variety of current research topics.  Videoconferencing is supplemented by curriculum units, websites with discussion groups and online technology tutorials for students and teachers.  Content units are aligned with National and Sunshine State Science Education Standards and National Math and Technology standards.  Technology training classes for teachers cover a variety technologies which the teacher will use to implement the program in the classroom.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:

















Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?





Cash Amount:















Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?






Education, Department Of, And Commissioner Of Education

Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?














Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?




Hearing Body:

Manatee & Sarasota Legislative Delegation


Meeting Date:
