Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #475

Greater Melbourne Police Athletic League Facility












John Thomas


Greater Melbourne Police Athletic League, Inc.











Project Title:

Greater Melbourne Police Athletic League Facility

Date Submitted:

01/18/2000 4:55:52 PM











District Member:

Charles Bronson

Service Area:












Counties Affected:













Greater Melbourne Police Athletic League, Inc.


John Thomas


650 North Apollo Boulevard

Contact Phone:

(321) 953-6251



Melbourne 32935
















Project Description:








Community based youth learning center and athletic facility.











Services Provided/Benefit to State:






The Melbourne PAL Center would offer not only athletic opportunities for those at-risk children who do not qualify at the public school level, but would also include computer training, mentor and tutoring programs, high school and college readiness training, character building and self-esteem courses.











Measurable Outcome Anticipated:






The program expects to successfully accomplish higher self-esteem and improved team building skills, higher graduation rates and college entrance exam scores, reduced drop-out rates, more opportunities for those individuals choosing to go directly into the workplace by improving computer skills.  Additionally, they expect to field another nationally ranked athletic team such as the one who took second place in the 16 & under basketball championships in 1999.











Amount requested from the State for this project this year:












Total cost of the project:



























Request has been made to fund:















Is there Local Government or Private match for this request?














Was this project previously funded by the State?














Is future-year funding likely to be requested?














Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?




Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget?













Is there a documented need for this project?






This community suffers from high drop-out rates, increased domestic violence and poverty.











Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?
