379.401Penalties and violations; civil penalties for noncriminal infractions; criminal penalties; suspension and forfeiture of licenses and permits.
379.4015Nonnative and captive wildlife penalties.
379.402Definition; possession of certain licensed traps prohibited; penalties; exceptions; consent.
379.404Illegal taking and possession of deer and wild turkey; evidence; penalty.
379.4041Illegal taking, possession, and sale of bears.
379.40411Taking of bears; use of lethal force in defense of person or certain property.
379.405Illegal molestation of or theft from freshwater fishing gear.
379.406Illegal possession or transportation of freshwater game fish in commercial quantities; penalty.
379.407Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions.
379.408Forfeiture or denial of licenses and permits.
379.409Illegal killing, possessing, or capturing of alligators or other crocodilia or eggs; confiscation of equipment.
379.411Intentional killing or wounding of any species designated as endangered, threatened, or of special concern; penalties.
379.4115Florida or wild panther; killing prohibited; penalty.
379.412Penalties for feeding wildlife and freshwater fish.
379.414Additional penalties for saltwater products dealers violating records requirements.
379.501Aquatic weeds and plants; prohibitions; violations; penalties; intent.
379.502Enforcement; procedure; remedies.
379.504Civil liability; joint and several liability.