
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 1010PART IV PROVISIONS RELATING TO BONDING 1010.40Proposals for issuing bonds. 1010.41Procedure of district school boards with reference to proposals for issuing bonds. 1010.43Notice of election; qualifications of electors. 1010.44Conduct of election; form of ballot; appointment of inspectors; canvassing returns. 1010.46If election adverse, no second election within 6 months. 1010.47Receiving bids and sale of bonds. 1010.49Form and denomination of bonds. 1010.50Investment of fiduciary funds in bonds; security for deposit of public funds. 1010.51Records to be kept and reports to be made. 1010.52Bonds may be validated; validity of bonds. 1010.54Disposition of surplus of bond issue. 1010.56Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates. 1010.57Bonds payable from motor vehicle license tax funds; instruction units computed. 1010.58Procedure for determining number of instruction units for Florida College System institutions.