
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 464464.004Board of Nursing; membership; appointment; terms. 464.0096Nurse Licensure Compact; public records and meetings exemptions. 464.012Licensure of advanced practice registered nurses; fees; controlled substance prescribing. 464.0121Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need. 464.0123Autonomous practice by an advanced practice registered nurse. 464.013Renewal of license or certificate. 464.015Titles and abbreviations; restrictions; penalty. 464.0155Reports of adverse incidents by advanced practice registered nurses. 464.017Sexual misconduct in the practice of nursing. 464.019Approval of nursing education programs. 464.0195Florida Center for Nursing; goals. 464.0196Florida Center for Nursing; board of directors. 464.0205Retired volunteer nurse certificate. 464.027Registered nurse first assistant.