
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 534CHAPTER 534 LIVESTOCK; MARKS AND BRANDS 534.011Inspection and protection of livestock; jurisdiction of Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 534.021Recording of marks or brands. 534.031Certified copies of marks and brands. 534.041Renewal of certificate of mark or brand. 534.051Transfer of ownership of mark or brand. 534.081Duties of law enforcement officers; appointment of special officers. 534.082Duties of livestock hide dealers. 534.083Livestock hauler’s waybill or bill of lading. 534.091Claim of ownership without title. 534.49Livestock drafts; effect. 534.501Unlawful delay or failure in payment. 534.52Violations; refusal, suspension, revocation; penalties. 534.53Information and records. 534.54Livestock purchasers; prompt payment; penalty; lien.