
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 166PART III MUNICIPAL FINANCE AND TAXATION 166.222Building code inspection fees. 166.223Special assessments levied on recreational vehicle parks regulated under chapter 513. 166.231Municipalities; public service tax. 166.232Municipalities; public service tax; physical unit base option. 166.233Public service tax; effective dates; procedures for informing sellers of tax levies and related information. 166.234Public service tax; administrative provisions; rights and remedies. 166.235Procedure on purchaser’s request for refund or credit. 166.241Fiscal years, budgets, appeal of municipal law enforcement agency budget, and budget amendments. 166.246Restrictions on identification documents. 166.251Service fee for dishonored check. 166.271Surcharge on municipal facility parking fees.