
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 348PART III CENTRAL FLORIDA EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 348.753Central Florida Expressway Authority. 348.7543Improvements, bond financing authority for. 348.7544Northwest Beltway Part A, construction authorized; financing. 348.7545Western Beltway Part C, construction authorized; financing. 348.7546Wekiva Parkway, construction authorized; financing. 348.7547Maitland Boulevard Extension and Northwest Beltway Part A Realignment construction authorized; financing. 348.756Remedies of the bondholders. 348.758Appointment of department as agent of authority for construction. 348.759Acquisition of lands and property. 348.760Cooperation with other units, boards, agencies, and individuals. 348.763Eligibility for investments and security. 348.764Pledges enforceable by bondholders. 348.765This part complete and additional authority.