
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 1006C. Student Discipline and School Safety 1006.07District school board duties relating to student discipline and school safety. 1006.08District school superintendent duties relating to student discipline and school safety. 1006.09Duties of school principal relating to student discipline and school safety. 1006.10Authority of school bus drivers and district school boards relating to student discipline and student safety on school buses. 1006.11Standards for use of reasonable force. 1006.12Safe-school officers at each public school. 1006.121Florida Safe Schools Canine Program. 1006.13Policy of zero tolerance for crime and victimization. 1006.135Hazing prohibited at schools with any of grades 6-12. 1006.14Secret societies prohibited in public K-12 schools. 1006.145Disturbing school functions; penalty. 1006.147Bullying and harassment prohibited. 1006.148Dating violence and abuse prohibited. 1006.1493Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool. 1006.1494Student online personal information protection.