
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 593PART I BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION 593.103Powers and duties of department. 593.104Entry of premises; eradication activities; inspections. 593.105Reports by persons growing cotton. 593.106Quarantine; regulation of articles within eradication zone. 593.107Regulation of collection, transportation, distribution, and movement of cotton. 593.108Cooperative programs authorized. 593.109Authority to designate eradication zones, prohibit planting of cotton, and require participation in eradication program. 593.11Authority to regulate pasturage, entry, and honeybee colonies in eradication zones and other areas. 593.111Eligibility for certification of cotton growers’ organization. 593.112Certification of cotton growers’ organization. 593.1141Authority to enter agreements with the Farm Service Agency. 593.117Handling of moneys received.