(1) The officers, commissioners, and employees of a community redevelopment agency created by, or designated pursuant to, s. 163.356 or s. 163.357 are subject to part III of chapter 112, and commissioners also must comply with the ethics training requirements as imposed in s. 112.3142. (2) If any such official, commissioner, or employee presently owns or controls, or owned or controlled within the preceding 2 years, any interest, direct or indirect, in any property which he or she knows is included or planned to be included in a community redevelopment area, he or she shall immediately disclose this fact in the manner provided in part III of chapter 112. Any disclosure required to be made by this section shall be made prior to taking any official action pursuant to this section.
(3) No commissioner or other officer of any community redevelopment agency, board, or commission exercising powers pursuant to this part shall hold any other public office under the county or municipality other than his or her commissionership or office with respect to such community redevelopment agency, board, or commission.