163.2517Designation of urban infill and redevelopment area.
163.3161Short title; intent and purpose.
163.3162Agricultural Lands and Practices.
163.3163Applications for development permits; disclosure and acknowledgment of contiguous sustainable agricultural land.
163.3164Community Planning Act; definitions.
163.3168Planning innovations and technical assistance.
163.3171Areas of authority under this act.
163.3175Legislative findings on compatibility of development with military installations; exchange of information between local governments and military installations.
163.3177Required and optional elements of comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.
163.31777Public schools interlocal agreement.
163.31801Impact fees; short title; intent; definitions; ordinances levying impact fees.
163.31802Prohibited standards for security devices.
163.3181Public participation in the comprehensive planning process; intent; alternative dispute resolution.
163.3184Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan amendment.
163.3187Process for adoption of small-scale comprehensive plan amendment.
163.3191Evaluation and appraisal of comprehensive plan.
163.3194Legal status of comprehensive plan.
163.3197Legal status of prior comprehensive plan.
163.3201Relationship of comprehensive plan to exercise of land development regulatory authority.
163.3204Cooperation by state and regional agencies.
163.3209Electric transmission and distribution line right-of-way maintenance.
163.3213Administrative review of land development regulations.
163.3215Standing to enforce local comprehensive plans through development orders.
163.3217Municipal overlay for municipal incorporation.
163.3220Short title; legislative intent.
163.3221Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act; definitions.
163.3227Requirements of a development agreement.
163.3229Duration of a development agreement and relationship to local comprehensive plan.
163.3231Consistency with the comprehensive plan and land development regulations.
163.3233Local laws and policies governing a development agreement.
163.3235Periodic review of a development agreement.
163.3237Amendment or cancellation of a development agreement.
163.3239Recording and effectiveness of a development agreement.
163.3241Modification or revocation of a development agreement to comply with subsequently enacted state and federal law.
163.3246Local government comprehensive planning certification program.
163.32466Readoption by ordinance of plan amendments adopted pursuant to former s. 163.32465, subject to local referendum.
163.3247Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida.
163.3252Local manufacturing development program; master development approval for manufacturers.
163.3253Coordinated manufacturing development approval process.