The Florida Statutes
The 2013 Florida Statutes
CHAPTER 321CHAPTER 321 HIGHWAY PATROL 321.02Powers and duties of department, highway patrol. 321.03Imitations prohibited; penalty. 321.04Personnel of the highway patrol; rank classifications; probationary status of new patrol officers; subsistence; special assignments. 321.05Duties, functions, and powers of patrol officers. 321.051Florida Highway Patrol wrecker operator system; penalties for operation outside of system. 321.065Traffic accident investigation officers; employment; standards. 321.23Public records; fees for copies; destruction of obsolete records; photographing records; effect as evidence. 321.24Members of an auxiliary to Florida Highway Patrol. 321.245Disposition of certain funds in the Highway Safety Operating Trust Fund. 321.25Training provided at patrol schools. 321.50Authorization to use traffic infraction detectors.