338.01Authority to establish and regulate limited access facilities.
338.04Acquisition of property and property rights for limited access facility and service roads.
338.065General motorist services signs; fee schedule.
338.151Authority of the department to establish tolls on the State Highway System.
338.155Payment of toll on toll facilities required; exemptions.
338.161Authority of department or toll agencies to advertise and promote electronic toll collection; expanded uses of electronic toll collection system; authority of department to collect tolls, fares, and fees for private and public entities.
338.166High-occupancy toll lanes or express lanes.
338.22Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law; short title.
338.2215Florida Turnpike Enterprise; legislative findings, policy, purpose, and intent.
338.2216Florida Turnpike Enterprise; powers and authority.
338.222Department of Transportation sole governmental entity to acquire, construct, or operate turnpike projects; exception.
338.225Taking of public road for feeder road.
338.2276Western Beltway turnpike project; financing.
338.228Bonds not debts or pledges of credit of state.
338.229Pledge to bondholders not to restrict certain rights of department.
338.231Turnpike tolls, fixing; pledge of tolls and other revenues.
338.232Continuation of tolls upon provision for payment of bondholders and assumption of maintenance by department.
338.234Granting concessions or selling along the turnpike system; immunity from taxation.
338.235Contracts with department for provision of services on the turnpike system.
338.237Municipal signs on the turnpike system rights-of-way; limitations.
338.239Traffic control on the turnpike system.
338.2511Deposit and use of funds in Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund.
338.26Alligator Alley toll road.