Chapter 316, Florida Statutes 2001
316.001 Short title.
316.002 Purpose.
316.003 Definitions.
316.006 Jurisdiction.
316.007 Provisions uniform throughout state.
316.008 Powers of local authorities.
316.0085 Skateboarding; inline skating; freestyle bicycling; definitions; liability.
316.027 Crash involving death or personal injuries.
316.061 Crashes involving damage to vehicle or property.
316.062 Duty to give information and render aid.
316.063 Duty upon damaging unattended vehicle or other property.
316.064 When driver unable to report.
316.065 Crashes; reports; penalties.
316.066 Written reports of crashes.
316.067 False reports.
316.068 Crash report forms.
316.069 State to tabulate and analyze crash reports.
316.070 Exchange of information at scene of crash.
316.071 Disabled vehicles obstructing traffic.
316.072 Obedience to and effect of traffic laws.
316.073 Applicability to animals and animal-drawn vehicles.
316.074 Obedience to and required traffic control devices.
316.0741 High occupancy vehicle lanes.
316.0745 Uniform signals and devices.
316.0747 Sale or purchase of traffic control devices by nongovernmental entities; prohibitions.
316.075 Traffic control signal devices.
316.0755 Pedestrian control signals.
316.076 Flashing signals.
316.0765 Lane direction control signals.
316.077 Display of unauthorized signs, signals or markings.
316.0775 Interference with official traffic control devices or railroad signs or signals.
316.078 Detour signs to be respected.
316.079 Duty to yield to highway construction workers.
316.08 Requirements of flagpersons.
316.081 Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions.
316.0815 Duty to yield to public transit vehicles.
316.082 Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
316.0825 Vehicle approaching an animal.
316.083 Overtaking and passing a vehicle.
316.084 When overtaking on the right is permitted.
316.085 Limitations on overtaking, passing, changing lanes and changing course.
316.087 Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway.
316.0875 No-passing zones.
316.088 One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.
316.089 Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
316.0895 Following too closely.
316.090 Driving on divided highways.
316.091 Limited access facilities; interstate highways; use restricted.
316.1001 Payment of toll on toll facilities required; penalties.
316.121 Vehicles approaching or entering intersections.
316.122 Vehicle turning left.
316.123 Vehicle entering stop or yield intersection.
316.1235 Vehicle approaching intersection in which traffic lights are inoperative.
316.125 Vehicle entering highway from private road or driveway or emerging from alley, driveway or building.
316.126 Operation of vehicles and actions of pedestrians on approach of authorized emergency vehicle.
316.130 Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and traffic regulations.
316.1301 Traffic regulations to assist blind persons.
316.1303 Traffic regulations to assist mobility-impaired persons.
316.1305 Fishing from state road bridges.
316.1355 Driving through safety zone prohibited.
316.151 Required position and method of turning at intersections.
316.1515 Limitations on turning around.
316.152 Turning on curve or crest of grade prohibited.
316.154 Starting parked vehicle.
316.155 When signal required.
316.156 Signals by hand and arm or signal lamps.
316.157 Method of giving hand and arm signals.
316.1575 Obedience to traffic control devices at railroad-highway grade crossings.
316.159 Certain vehicles to stop at all railroad grade crossings.
316.170 Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings.
316.171 Traffic control devices at railroad-highway grade crossings.
316.172 Traffic to stop for school bus.
316.183 Unlawful speed.
316.185 Special hazards.
316.187 Establishment of state speed zones.
316.189 Establishment of municipal and county speed zones.
316.1895 Establishment of school speed zones, enforcement; designation.
316.1905 Electrical, mechanical, or other speed calculating devices; power of arrest; evidence.
316.1906 Radar speed-measuring devices; evidence, admissibility.
316.191 Racing on highways.
316.192 Reckless driving.
316.1923 Aggressive careless driving.
316.1925 Careless driving.
316.193 Driving under the influence; penalties.
316.1932 Breath, blood, and urine tests for alcohol, chemical substances, or controlled substances; implied consent; right to refuse.
316.1933 Blood test for impairment or intoxication in cases of death or serious bodily injury; right to use reasonable force.
316.1934 Presumption of impairment; testing methods.
316.1935 Fleeing or attempting to elude a law enforcement officer; aggravated fleeing and eluding.
316.1936 Possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages in vehicles prohibited; penalties.
316.1937 Ignition interlock devices, requiring; unlawful acts.
316.1938 Ignition interlock devices, certification; warning label.
316.194 Stopping, standing or parking outside of municipalities.
316.1945 Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places.
316.195 Additional parking regulations.
316.1951 Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
316.1955 Enforcement of parking requirements for persons who have disabilities.
316.1957 Parking violations; designated parking spaces for persons who have disabilities.
316.1958 Out-of-state vehicles bearing identification of issuance to persons who have disabilities.
316.1959 Handicapped parking enforcement.
316.1964 Exemption of vehicles transporting certain persons who have disabilities from payment of parking fees and penalties.
316.1965 Parking near rural mailbox during certain hours; penalties.
316.1967 Liability for payment of parking ticket violations and other parking violations.
316.1974 Funeral procession right-of-way and liability.
316.1975 Unattended motor vehicle.
316.1985 Limitations on backing.
316.1995 Driving upon sidewalk or bicycle path.
316.2004 Obstruction to driver's view or driving mechanism.
316.2005 Opening and closing vehicle doors.
316.2014 Riding in house trailers.
316.2015 Unlawful for person to ride on exterior of vehicle.
316.2024 Coasting prohibited.
316.2025 Following fire apparatus prohibited.
316.2034 Crossing fire hose.
316.2035 Injurious substances prohibited; dragging vehicle or load; obstructing, digging, etc.
316.2044 Removal of injurious substances.
316.2045 Obstruction of public streets, highways, and roads.
316.2051 Certain vehicles prohibited on hard-surfaced roads.
316.2055 Motor vehicles, throwing advertising materials in.
316.2061 Stop when traffic obstructed.
316.2065 Bicycle regulations.
316.2074 All-terrain vehicles.
316.208 Motorcycles and mopeds.
316.2085 Riding on motorcycles or mopeds.
316.209 Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic.
316.2095 Footrests and handlebars.
316.211 Equipment for motorcycle and moped riders.
316.212 Operation of golf carts on certain roadways.
316.2122 Operation of a low-speed vehicle on certain roadways.
316.2124 Motorized disability access vehicles.
316.2125 Operation of golf carts within a retirement community.
316.2126 Use of golf carts and utility vehicles by municipalities.
316.215 Scope and effect of regulations.
316.216 Authority of department with reference to lighting devices.
316.217 When lighted lamps are required.
316.220 Headlamps on motor vehicles.
316.221 Taillamps.
316.222 Stop lamps and turn signals.
316.2225 Additional equipment required on certain vehicles.
316.224 Color of clearance lamps, identification lamps, side marker lamps, backup lamps, reflectors, and deceleration lights.
316.225 Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side marker lamps.
316.226 Visibility requirements for reflectors, clearance lamps, identification lamps and marker lamps.
316.227 Obstructed lights not required.
316.228 Lamps or flags on projecting load.
316.229 Lamps on parked vehicles.
316.2295 Lamps, reflectors and emblems on farm tractors, farm equipment and implements of husbandry.
316.231 Lamps on other vehicles and equipment.
316.233 Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps.
316.234 Signal lamps and signal devices.
316.235 Additional lighting equipment.
316.237 Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
316.238 Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
316.2385 Requirements for use of lower beam.
316.239 Single-beam road-lighting equipment.
316.2395 Motor vehicles; minimum headlamp requirement.
316.2396 Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
316.2397 Certain lights prohibited; exceptions.
316.2398 Display or use of red lights; motor vehicles of volunteer firefighters or medical staff.
316.2399 Special warning lights for buses or taxicabs.
316.240 Standards for lights on highway maintenance and service equipment.
316.241 Selling or using lamps or equipment.
316.242 Revocation of certificate of approval on lighting devices.
316.251 Maximum bumper heights.
316.252 Splash and spray suppressant devices.
316.253 Vehicles used to sell ice cream and other confections; display of warnings required.
316.261 Brake equipment required.
316.262 Performance ability of motor vehicle brakes.
316.263 Maintenance of brakes.
316.267 Brakes on electric-powered vehicles.
316.271 Horns and warning devices.
316.272 Exhaust systems, prevention of noise.
316.293 Motor vehicle noise.
316.2935 Air pollution control equipment; tampering prohibited; penalty.
316.294 Mirrors.
316.2951 Motor vehicle windows; definitions.
316.2952 Windshields; requirements; restrictions.
316.2953 Side windows; restrictions on sunscreening material.
316.2954 Windows behind the driver; restrictions on sunscreening material.
316.29545 Window sunscreening exclusions; medical exemption; certain law enforcement vehicles exempt.
316.2955 Window sunscreening material; compliance labeling; tolerances.
316.2956 Violation of provisions relating to windshields, windows, and sunscreening material; penalties.
316.2957 Exemption for motor vehicle manufacturers.
316.299 Rough surfaced wheels prohibited.
316.300 Certain vehicles to carry flares or other devices.
316.301 Display of warning lights and devices when vehicle is stopped or disabled.
316.302 Commercial motor vehicles; safety regulations; transporters and shippers of hazardous materials; enforcement.
316.3025 Penalties.
316.3026 Unlawful operation may be enjoined.
316.3027 Identification required on commercial motor vehicles.
316.303 Television receivers.
316.304 Wearing of headsets.
316.3045 Operation of radios or other mechanical soundmaking devices or instruments in vehicles; exemptions.
316.400 Headlamps.
316.405 Motorcycle headlights to be turned on.
316.410 Taillamps.
316.415 Reflectors.
316.420 Stop lamps.
316.425 Lamps on parked motorcycles.
316.430 Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
316.435 Lighting equipment for motor-driven cycles.
316.440 Brake equipment required.
316.445 Performance ability of motorcycle brakes.
316.450 Brakes on motor-driven cycles.
316.455 Other equipment.
316.46 Equipment regulations for mopeds.
316.500 Exceeding weight and length; penalties.
316.510 Projecting loads on passenger vehicles.
316.515 Maximum width, height, length.
316.516 Width, height, and length; inspection; penalties.
316.520 Loads on vehicles.
316.525 Requirements for vehicles hauling loads.
316.530 Towing requirements.
316.535 Maximum weights.
316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
316.550 Operations not in conformity with law; special permits.
316.555 Weight, load, speed limits may be lowered; condition precedent.
316.560 Damage to highways; liability of driver and owner.
316.565 Emergency transportation, perishable food; establishment of weight loads, etc.
316.600 Health and sanitation hazards.
316.605 Licensing of vehicles.
316.610 Safety of vehicle; inspection.
316.6105 Violations involving operation of motor vehicle in unsafe condition or without required equipment; procedure for disposition.
316.611 Tandem trailer equipment and use.
316.613 Child restraint requirements.
316.6135 Leaving children unattended or unsupervised in motor vehicle; penalty; authority of law enforcement officer.
316.614 Safety belt usage.
316.6145 School buses; safety belts or other restraint systems required.
316.615 School buses; physical requirements of drivers.
316.620 Transportation of migrant farm workers.
316.635 Courts having jurisdiction over traffic violations; powers relating to custody and detention of minors.
316.640 Enforcement.
316.645 Arrest authority of officer at scene of a traffic crash.
316.646 Security required; proof of security and display thereof; dismissal of cases.
316.650 Traffic citations.
316.655 Penalties.
316.656 Mandatory adjudication; prohibition against accepting plea to lesser included offense.
316.660 Disposition of fines and forfeitures collected for violations.
316.70 Nonpublic sector buses; safety rules.
316.72 Buses simulating school buses in color and insignia; conditions of use.
316.75 School crossing guards.