Chapter 409, Florida Statutes 2009
409.016 Definitions.
409.017 Revenue Maximization Act; legislative intent; revenue maximization program.
409.031 State agency for administering social service funds.
409.141 Equitable reimbursement methodology.
409.145 Care of children.
409.1451 Independent living transition services.
409.14511 Rulemaking authority to administer ch. 2005-179.
409.146 Children and families client and management information system.
409.147 Children's initiatives.
409.152 Service integration and family preservation.
409.153 Implementation of Healthy Families Florida program.
409.165 Alternate care for children.
409.166 Children within the child welfare system; adoption assistance program.
409.1663 Adoption benefits for qualifying adoptive employees of state agencies.
409.167 Statewide adoption exchange; establishment; responsibilities; registration requirements; rules.
409.1671 Foster care and related services; outsourcing.
409.1672 Incentives for department employees.
409.1673 Legislative findings; alternate care plans.
409.16745 Community partnership matching grant program.
409.1675 Lead community-based providers; receivership.
409.1676 Comprehensive residential group care services to children who have extraordinary needs.
409.1677 Model comprehensive residential services programs.
409.1679 Additional requirements, effective date, reimbursement methodology, and evaluation.
409.1685 Children in foster care; annual report to Legislature.
409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
409.1753 Foster care; duties.
409.1755 One Church, One Child of Florida Corporation Act; creation; duties.
409.1757 Persons not required to be refingerprinted or rescreened.
409.1758 Summer camp personnel; fingerprints not required for screening purposes.
409.176 Registration of residential child-caring agencies and family foster homes.
409.179 Family-friendly workplace initiative.
409.212 Optional supplementation.
409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
409.2355 Programs for prosecution of males over age 21 who commit certain offenses involving girls under age 16.
409.2551 Legislative intent.
409.2554 Definitions; ss. 409.2551-409.2598.
409.2557 State agency for administering child support enforcement program.
409.25575 Support enforcement; privatization.
409.2558 Support distribution and disbursement.
409.2559 State disbursement unit.
409.256 Administrative proceeding to establish paternity or paternity and child support; order to appear for genetic testing.
409.2561 Support obligations when public assistance is paid; assignment of rights; subrogation; medical and health insurance information.
409.2563 Administrative establishment of child support obligations.
409.25635 Determination and collection of noncovered medical expenses.
409.2564 Actions for support.
409.25641 Procedures for processing interstate enforcement requests.
409.2565 Publication of delinquent obligors.
409.25656 Garnishment.
409.25657 Requirements for financial institutions.
409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
409.25659 Insurance claim data exchange.
409.25661 Public records exemption for insurance claim data exchange information.
409.2567 Services to individuals not otherwise eligible.
409.2569 Continuation of support services for recipients of public assistance when benefits are terminated.
409.257 Service of process.
409.2571 Court and witness fees; bond.
409.2572 Cooperation.
409.2574 Income deduction enforcement in Title IV-D cases.
409.2575 Liens on motor vehicles and vessels.
409.2576 State Directory of New Hires.
409.2577 Parent locator service.
409.2578 Access to employment information; administrative fine.
409.2579 Safeguarding Title IV-D case file information.
409.2581 Use of clearing accounts and revolving funds.
409.2584 Interest on obligations due; waiver.
409.259 Filing fees in Title IV-D cases; electronic filing of pleadings, returns of service, and other papers.
409.2594 Record requirements.
409.2597 Retention of actions.
409.2598 License suspension proceeding to enforce support order.
409.2599 Data processing services; interagency agreement.
409.25995 State Title IV-D agency; contracts.
409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
409.26731 Certification of local funds as state match for federally funded services.
409.2675 Rules.
409.285 Opportunity for hearing and appeal.
409.352 Licensing requirements for physicians, osteopathic physicians, and chiropractic physicians employed by the department.
409.401 Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children.
409.402 Financial responsibility for child.
409.403 Definitions; Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children.
409.404 Agreements between party state officers and agencies.
409.405 Court placement of delinquent children.
409.406 Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance.
409.407 Interstate agreements between the Department of Children and Family Services and agencies of other states.
409.408 Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children.
409.409 Effect of existing compact provisions.
409.4101 Rulemaking authority.
409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
409.508 Low-income home energy assistance program.
409.509 Definitions; weatherization of low-income residences.
409.5091 Department responsible for weatherizing agencies; energy assessment.
409.5092 Permission for weatherization; rules.
409.5093 Replacement agency.
409.801 Goal of Legislature; creation of Family Policy Act.
409.802 Provisions of Family Policy Act.
409.803 Shelter and foster care services to dependent children; pilot programs.
409.810 Short title.
409.811 Definitions relating to Florida Kidcare Act.
409.812 Program created; purpose.
409.813 Health benefits coverage; program components; entitlement and nonentitlement.
409.8132 Medikids program component.
409.8134 Program expenditure ceiling; enrollment.
409.8135 Behavioral health services.
409.814 Eligibility.
409.815 Health benefits coverage; limitations.
409.816 Limitations on premiums and cost-sharing.
409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
409.8175 Delivery of services in rural counties.
409.8177 Program evaluation.
409.818 Administration.
409.820 Quality assurance and access standards.
409.821 Florida Kidcare program public records exemption.
409.901 Definitions; ss. 409.901-409.920.
409.902 Designated single state agency; payment requirements; program title; release of medical records.
409.9021 Forfeiture of eligibility agreement.
409.9025 Eligibility while an inmate.
409.903 Mandatory payments for eligible persons.
409.904 Optional payments for eligible persons.
409.905 Mandatory Medicaid services.
409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
409.9062 Lung transplant services for Medicaid recipients.
409.9066 Medicare prescription discount program.
409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
409.9071 Medicaid provider agreements for school districts certifying state match.
409.908 Reimbursement of Medicaid providers.
409.9081 Copayments.
409.9082 Quality assessment on nursing home facility providers; exemptions; purpose; federal approval required; remedies.
409.9083 Quality assessment on privately operated intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled; exemptions; purpose; federal approval required; remedies.
409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
409.9101 Recovery for payments made on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons.
409.9102 A qualified state Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program in Florida.
409.911 Disproportionate share program.
409.9112 Disproportionate share program for regional perinatal intensive care centers.
409.9113 Disproportionate share program for teaching hospitals.
409.9115 Disproportionate share program for mental health hospitals.
409.91151 Expenditure of funds generated through mental health disproportionate share program.
409.9116 Disproportionate share/financial assistance program for rural hospitals.
409.9117 Primary care disproportionate share program.
409.9118 Disproportionate share program for specialty hospitals.
409.91188 Specialty prepaid health plans for Medicaid recipients with HIV or AIDS.
409.9119 Disproportionate share program for specialty hospitals for children.
409.91195 Medicaid Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee.
409.91196 Supplemental rebate agreements; public records and public meetings exemption.
409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
409.91206 Alternatives for health and long-term care reforms.
409.91207 Medical home pilot project.
409.9121 Legislative findings and intent.
409.91211 Medicaid managed care pilot program.
409.91213 Quarterly progress reports and annual reports.
409.9122 Mandatory Medicaid managed care enrollment; programs and procedures.
409.9123 Quality-of-care reporting.
409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
409.91255 Federally qualified health center access program.
409.9126 Children with special health care needs.
409.9127 Preauthorization and concurrent utilization review; conflict-of-interest standards.
409.9128 Requirements for providing emergency services and care.
409.913 Oversight of the integrity of the Medicaid program.
409.9131 Special provisions relating to integrity of the Medicaid program.
409.914 Assistance for the uninsured.
409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
409.916 Grants and Donations Trust Fund.
409.918 Public Medical Assistance Trust Fund.
409.919 Rules.
409.920 Medicaid provider fraud.
409.9201 Medicaid fraud.
409.9203 Rewards for reporting Medicaid fraud.
409.9205 Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.
409.9301 Pharmaceutical expense assistance.
409.942 Electronic benefit transfer program.
409.944 Inner City Redevelopment Assistance Grants Program.
409.945 Eligibility for grant proposals.
409.946 Inner City Redevelopment Review Panel.
409.953 Rulemaking authority for refugee assistance program.
409.9531 Services to immigrant survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes.