466.001Legislative purpose and intent.
466.002Persons exempt from operation of chapter.
466.0065Regional licensure examinations.
466.0067Application for health access dental license.
466.00671Renewal of the health access dental license.
466.00672Revocation of health access dental license.
466.007Examination of dental hygienists.
466.008Certification of foreign educational institutions.
466.014Continuing education; dental hygienists.
466.017Prescription of drugs; anesthesia.
466.018Dentist of record; patient records.
466.021Retention of dental laboratories by dentist; penalty.
466.022Peer review; records; immunity; confidentiality.
466.023Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
466.024Delegation of duties; expanded functions.
466.025Permitting of dental interns serving at state institutions; certification of dentists practicing at government facilities; permitting of nonprofit corporations.
466.0275Lawful investigations; consent handwriting samples; mental or physical examination.
466.02751Establishment of practitioner profile for designation as a controlled substance prescribing practitioner.
466.028Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
466.034Change of ownership or address.
466.036Information; periodic inspections; equipment and supplies.
466.037Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.