
Lobbyist Information

Governing Laws and Rules

Legislative Branch:
Executive Branch:
Training Opportunities

Effective April 1, 2007, lobbying firms will file compensation reports electronically.
For Your Information

Lobbyist Registration Office hours are 7:30am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday. |
Visit the NAICS website to obtain the 6-digit industry code that best identifies the principal’s main business. The Lobbyist Registration Office cannot select or recommend a code. |
Mail completed registrations to the Lobbyist Registration Office 111 West Madison Street Room G68 Tallahassee Florida 32399. Phone: (850) 922-4990. |
Registrations are effective when received by the office.
Registration fees are as follows: For the Legislature the fee is $50 for a lobbyist’s first registration of the year and $20 for each additional registration. For the Executive Branch, the fee is $25 per registration. |
Questions about disclosing compensation may be e-mailed to lobby.reg@leg.state.fl.us. |
Legislative Branch:
1,992 Registered Lobbyists
3,413 Principals Represented
10,275 Total Registrations
Executive Branch:
1,579 Registered Lobbyists
3,078 Principals Represented
9,104 Total Registrations
*Updated: 12/31/2014 19:37:52
Legislative and Executive Lobbyist Labels