
The Florida Statutes
The 2024 Florida Statutes

CHAPTER 332CHAPTER 332 AIRPORTS AND OTHER AIR NAVIGATION FACILITIES 332.001Aviation; powers and duties of the Department of Transportation. 332.003Florida Airport Development and Assistance Act; short title. 332.004Definitions of terms used in ss. 332.003-332.007. 332.005Restrictions on authority of Department of Transportation. 332.006Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Transportation. 332.007Administration and financing of aviation and airport programs and projects; state plan. 332.0075Commercial service airports; transparency and accountability; penalty. 332.009Limitation on operation of chapter. 332.01Airport law; definitions. 332.02Acquisition of real property for airports. 332.03Establishment of airports, etc., declared public power. 332.06Preliminary costs and expenses. 332.11Cooperation of authorities. 332.115Joint project agreement with port district for transportation corridor between airport and port facility. 332.12Airport Law of 1945; short title. 332.13Multicounty airport authorities created as independent special districts; noise-mitigation-project fund.